
Friday, August 26, 2016

busy, busy, busy

Wonder where I have been!?

Well the last time we met here I mentioned that we were about to have our final Foster Home walk through...

Then it happened, our phone rang and things forever changed.  We officially began the BUSIEST SUMMER OF OUR LIVES with the addition of two precious kiddos!

The garden fell victim to desertion (and too much rain) shortly after.  So thankful for the abundant harvest early in the year (especially since we grew by two mouths!)  We are still getting okra and peas, but that's about it!

The puppies have grown up! Fast!!!

Brett finished his 3 weeks at church camp and then we squeezed in a week long mission trip, a week at nationals, a week of VBS, a family reunion, watermelon festival fundraiser, 2 camping trips, "back to school" (our first time to experience that on the parental end) and a baby anyday!!!

Bring on fall!!!  & BABY PLEASE!!! (3 days to due date)

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