
Monday, April 18, 2016

I shall call him my squishy...

This week we reached the half way point in the wait to meet our little miracle.  We had to go for a level 2 ultrasound due to some health history, however little M looked as healthy as can be. 

However, already taking after daddy, getting pictures was a little difficult.  We are choosing to wait on knowing the gender.  We are praying for a healthy baby above all!!! (but we both think its a boy)

Some think we are just keeping it from everyone else, #1 because I usually call it "he,"  I just can't bring myself to call it "It."

However, I have occasionally called him "Squishy."  The story behind that is that when a friend of mine first found out we were pregnant again following the miscarriage  she would always say "just keep swimming" to the baby when I saw her.

This is the best profile she was able to get!  Like daddy much!?

We you join us is praying for a healthy baby!?

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