
Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring fever!!!

It's the first day of spring! I have been hit with spring fever soooo bad!   I know I'm going to be somewhat miserable when the summer heat hits and I have been soaking up every minute outside possible!  
I had some old pallets piled up and made some quick&easy flower boxes...

I also made some solar sconces to go over a "welcoming garden" at the top of our driveway!

We finally got a new frame built for our greenhouse after it was destroyed by a storm last year.  Can't wait to get some seeds started this week.  
We already have a few potted tomatoes that we will keep here close to the house for easy pre-dinner access!

Our temporary strawberry bed is looking so good and I can't wait to see sweet red berries growing!  Next year I plan to have a more permanent bed set up for them.
I'm trying something new, a Pinterest find, and started some potatoes in a tall trash bin.  We will see how this goes the next couple months.  They first sprouted about a month after I started them.  They aren't tall enough to add the next layer of dirt yet.

We have definitely had some spring-teasing weather lately, with some days in the 80's!  The critters around the farmyard have been feeling it and I believe they to are ready for spring! 

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