
Friday, September 4, 2015

Full Heart, Full Life - Blog-tember Day 4

Friday, Sept. 4: What are you passionate about?

This is such a great follow up to yesterday's post! I showed you the pictures and now I can tell you a little about them! 

Here in my little corner, you will find the things I'm PASSIONATE about!!!

My Faith- it is real. It is messy. It is the greatest part of my life. I did not grow up with it. I found it at the age of 23. Or I should say, I finally submitted to a Father who was pursuing me! Nothing about my life has been the same since.  Living for the One True God is the only way to truly live. Everything is better when God is the glue that holds it together. 

My Marriage- I have been married for 16 months to one of Christ's most devoted followers.  Marriage is hard. But when God is as passionate about something as He is marriage, you Know it's worth fighting for! Serving the Kingdom alongside Brett is the most exciting way I could think of doing it.  Growing as a wife makes me grow as a Christian. 

Serving.Loving. - Thinking of the Love that Christ lavished upon me, makes me want to live every moment paying it forward. Unfortunately I fall incredibly short, but serving Gods people lights my soul on fire. Missions. Child Sponsorship. Fair trade. Youth Ministry - These are just a few ways I love to get involved.  Please click around to learn more about a few of these things!!!

So, I thought this list would be longer, but actually the many many things that come to mind, all fit into these three topics!  Stick around and I will follow up with some details about a few of them!!!

Day 4 (I made it 4 whole days, this may have an even greater impact beyond 30 days, b/c now I have a growing list of things I want to write about!!!) oh where was I, oh Yes, DAY 4 of Blog-tember is in the books!!! I'm so happy to be sharing my heart with all who are here!

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