
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

back-2-school Around the World

So, my favorite part about back-2-school was the shopping of course. But, it wasn't about the clothes, it was about the SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!!  To this day, 10 years post any back-2-school excitement for me, I still get excited when I see the school supplies piling up in the stores! 

I think there are mixed emotions when the Back-2-school season rolls around.  At least it is for students who for them, the school year is just part of life for 13 years.  But there are kids around the world who don't know what "bakc-2-school" is all about.  Because for them, school isn't an option.  School is either too expensive, too far away, not available at all, or frankly, may just not be as important as working a job to help provide for their family!


Worldwide, nearly 80 percent of primary-school-age children attend school. In least developed countries, this figure is around 66 percent.

The largest out-of-school population is in sub-Saharan Africa, where around 45.5 million children of primary school age are out of school.

Of the 67 million primary-school-age children who do not attend school, 53 percent are girls.

Worldwide, only 49 percent of children of secondary school age actually attend secondary school.

Of the 49 percent of secondary age students who do not attend school, 52 percent are girls.

The world’s functional illiterates include more than 130 million children who do not attend school, 73 million of them girls.

These are some heartbreaking statistics.  Something that we take for granted so often.  Around the world kids are dreaming of an education. 


Here is a chance for us to help!


First and Foremost...PRAY!

Do you sponsor a child!? Your sponsorship helps provide an education to your child, and you get to write back and forth about what they are doing in school!  We love hearing about Brenda & Alvaro's experiences in school!

Provide textbooks and learning materials to kids through Compassion's learning centers.


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