
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Another year older (not me)...

With the end of September also came a special day...

This guy... older!!!

Happy Birthday Brett!!! 

I'm glad God saw it fit for us to do life together and look forward to what crazy will come our way next!

"I can't let the day end without saying Happy Fathers Day to this man right here...some may dare to say He is not a dad, but he has made a life long impact on so many kids! He loves every kid he knows as if they are his own.  Maybe one day he will change diapers, play catch in the yard, braid pigtails, and be called "daddy"; but until then we have the faith in knowing ours is in the arms of the greatest Father, and will only know a Perfect love!"

I posted this picture/post back on father's day.  He is so sweetly reading a good night story to a friend's little girl who we love so much!  

Love you Brett

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