
Monday, August 31, 2015

Are we praying for our husbands as much as we are talking about Anna's!?

It seems that as Christians it is assumed that we have some kind of "response" to the recent "scandals" involving Josh Duggar and/or the Ashley Madison hack. (I thought this was the name of the "other" woman when I first heard of it) To be honest, it seems that most do.  The conversations, blog posts, and news prove that a lot of people do have something to say.  

What if we didn't stop talking about the subject, but rather changed our audience? I think that the recent developments are a call to action.   

What if we took all of our thoughts and compiled them into prayers?

When we think...

How could he do that...pray for him, his temptations and his repentance

His poor family...pray for their hearts to be healed and filled with forgiveness

How many others are in the same situation...pray for our nation to be guarded from the evils of satan

These have all been fairly common suggestions.  But have we missed something? Why do we wait until recovery phase before we on the outside take action.  

Wives, are we praying prevention over our own husbands? 

Are we covering their minds, their hearts, and desires in prayers!?

A lot of things probably come to mind when think of taking action against these very circumstances coming into our own homes.  But the most important and effective line of defense we can take is hitting our knees! 

Prayer changes EVERYTHING! 

Wives, will you join me in knee bruising prayer for our husbands, and our marriages!? 

The devil is a thief and a liar, but we know The One who has already defeated him! 

It's not about God waiting on us to ask him to do something, it's about us surrounding our hearts, minds, and souls with the Power of The Spirit!!!

"Lord, bless my husband’s sexuality and make it an area of great fulfillment for him. Restore what needs to be restored, balance what needs to be balanced. Protect us from apathy, disappointment, criticism, busyness, unforgiveness, deadness, or disinterest. I pray that we make time for one another, communicate our true feelings openly, and remain sensitive to what each other needs. Keep us sexually pure in mind and body, and close the door to anything lustful or illicit that seeks to encroach upon us. Deliver us from the bondage of past mistakes. Remove completely the effect of any sexual experience—in thought or deed—that has ever happened to us outside of our relationship. Purify us by the power of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray.

"Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." 1 CORINTHIANS 6: 18-20

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