
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Catch-Up

Well, it has been a typical June around here, maybe even a little crazier!  I don't even have time to make this real long (luck you) so I'll just pass along the highlights of the last month...

*We canNOT keep up with the garden... cucumbers, squash, tomatoes (I do a pretty good job of eating these up), green beans...

*I gained a sister!

*I turned 30! WHAT!? ~ I'll never again be in my 20's ///

*I have spent one week at church camp and Brett is on week 3!

*We have our final walk-thru visit for Foster parenting next week!!! (prayers please)

*We have new puppies!!!
Check out more at

*We found Miss Kitty's babies!

*We have less than 10 weeks before Baby Morris arrives!!!

As you can see summer 2016 came in hot! (I mean that in every sense of the word)  

How has your summer been!?