
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Release One?


Im sooooo excited for the opportunity to Release3 this month!!!

Through the month of October, I will be praying for and advocating these 3 precious members of the Lord's kingdom!!! Please consider sponsoring through Compassion International
Amos Sankara, from Burkina Faso, Africa!!!

Nicole Altagracia Reyes, from Dominican Republic

 Marvell Andra Setiawan, from Indonesia

Check back for more details about each of these precious little faces! Please contact me for more information about sponsoring and contributing to the future of a child in poverty, and please read about my sponsorship story HERE!

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute. 
 Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

Friday, September 19, 2014

Nandudu Breanda

The first photo I received of Breanda
The most recent photo of Breanda

Birthdate: 1/17/2006

 - US School Grade Equivalent: 1
 - School Performance: Average

Family Duties
  • Washing clothes
  • Gardening/Farming
  • Running errands
  • Making beds
  • Cleaning
  • Carries water
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Dolls
  • Group games
  • Play house
  • Walking
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Running
  • Art/Drawing
  • Jump rope
  • Singing
  • Listening to music
  • Other ball games

Breanda lives in the hillside community of Buyobo, home to approximately 9,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and corrugated iron, grass or banana fiber roofs.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, fish, cassava, rice, potatoes, greens and goat. Common health problems in this area include malaria, intestinal diseases, respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, skin diseases and high blood pressure. Most adults work as subsistence farmers and earn the equivalent of $6 per month. This community needs tuition assistance, scholastic materials, improved incomes and a recreational center.

My sponsorship allows the staff of Buyobo Child Development Center to provide Breanda with Bible lessons, health and dental screenings, immunization, sports, special celebrations, counseling and vocational training. The center staff will also provide meetings, Bible studies and income-generating activities for the parents or guardians of Breanda.

I have been beyond blessed by this opportunity and would love to help you get involved with providing the needs for another child through Compassion International!*
Compassion International provides all the information in a booklet like the one in the pictures above and sends updates through email as well as with the letters from your sponsor child!

*I receive no compensation or such through this, only the satisfaction of knowing another child's needs are taken care of!

Monday, September 8, 2014


"Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds." 
Psalm 36:5