
Friday, May 30, 2014

New Adventures

God calls us to some pretty crazy things!
Selling all your things and leaving your friends and family for a year long mission trip to 11 countries! - Most people thought I must be crazy! But I had comfort knowing it was what God had for me! I had faith that His plan was for good and not harm if I would just obey.

The last 4 months have been a mixture of unexpected experiences! God has shown me what ministry is, and isn't! God calls us ALL to ministry, and it looks different for each one of us.

God has really been speaking to me and stirring my heart, even in some surprising ways! But as I chose to take yet another step in the direction of letting God lead, and fully trusting in Him, I soon realized that God had made my desires, HIS desires, and He was telling me it was time; time to accept some of the most important callings He has placed on my life!

At the end of April, I chose to leave the World Race and let God continue to unfold the plans He has for me!!! My time on the "World Race" is over, but MY race is far from over!!!

I have tried for weeks to put what God is doing into words for you! But the truth is I can't, every time I turn around I am blown away and amazed at His ways, His timing, His plans, and His overwhelming love for us...

"US" as in my husband and I!!!

April 30th Brett and I became one! The last couple weeks have been crazy busy with ministry at the church, and working out some things God has laid on our hearts! We have so much to share and I hope you will continue to pray with and for us!

Read about the last 4 months HERE

Much love, Brett & Kylee Morris